JMS Release Notes

Release version: Return to Version Index

Release Date: 13 Jun 2017


  • We now have the ability to apply composite panels to doors. (#5580)

Please watch both videos as they guide you through two different scenarios
regarding the application of composite or insulated panels.


  • An alteration as to how sliding sash dimensions are shown on various cutting lists. (#5660)

Should you wish to make use of this enhancement please see the following video.


  • Additional ironmongery descriptive text now goes to the Cutting list diagrams printout. (#6839)

Having used the additional ironmongery (cherry picking) option the descriptive text on line d3
or the ironmongery descriptive text can now be seen on the Cutting List Diagrams printout.


  • Additional Quotation heading options for Sliding sash module. (#6847)

For Sliding sash the new headings are;
Complete Sliding Sash
Sashes only

These options are accessed at local level, just above the parameter set
is a drop down option box from where you choose to use the various quotation headings.


  • Sheet material has been removed from the Glass Summary printout. (#6850)

It has been decided to remove any reference to sheet material from the
Glass Summary printout so that only glass information will appear.
The sheet material and glass will still be shown together when using the
Detailed Cutting list Glass printout


  • Existing quotation headings can now been seen if only the screen module was purchased. (#6851)

These options are accessed at local level having just imported a template, just above the
parameter set is a drop down option box from where you choose to use the various quotation headings.


  • We now have the ability to see both frame and door width and height on the summary page when using door and frame module. (#6855)

Should you wish to make use of this enhancement please see the following video.

Fixed Defects

  • Door size rather than frame size appearing on some printouts. (#6719)

If using the Door and Frame module and applying the width and height
to the door and not to the frame the dimensions that appeared on both
the Estimate or Quotation printout that displays 'dimensions in
', and the job summary printout displayed the door size
that had been inputted rather than the overall frame size.
This defect has now been fixed.


  • A correction to Sliding sash module staff bead lengths. (#6741)

The sliding sash module staff bead lengths were being reduced by the value of the sash gaps.
Although the sash gap is generally a small value we have corrected this issue and the staff
bead lengths are now correct.


  • A slight speed increase has been achieved when starting up JMS. (#6846)

A need to increase the speed of JMS when staring up due to the large
amount of jobs that some customers have has been achieved.


  • Additional ironmongery d3 text now holding. (#6852)

When an item of joinery was saved as a template after having
additional ironmongery applied and the d3 text configured it
was found that the d3 text was not holding.
This has now been corrected.