JMS Release Notes

Release version: Return to Version Index

Release Date: 29 Sep 2016


  • There is now a link to SAGE. (#3002)

Should you wish to make use of this enhancement please contact the office for costs.


  • It has been decided to remove '''Item Colours''' from JMS. (#5935)

Item Colours which showed on the Detailed Cutting list and the Job summary
print out have now been removed.
There is a way for you to turn them back on in Print manager on the Job Summary only.


  • Line break was needed for fittings descriptive text (#6565)

An automatic line break has been added to fittings descriptive text
for the Detailed Fittings list as it used to collide with the quantity column.


  • Ability to select and delete all jobs if required. (#6609)

Many JMS customers are setting up a 2nd copy of their existing programme for the
purposes of cleaning up the second copy and bringing it more up to date. We have
for that purpose built in the ability to then select all jobs and delete all jobs
in one hit.To do this go to JOBS at the top of the screen then choose DELETE JOBS
you will then see a SELECT ALL button.


  • Slight change to the Detailed Cutting list . (#6611)

The Detailed Cutting List will no longer show blank text lines
at the top due to d1 or d2 in the various Parameters not having been used
or if a certain material Parameter has not been applied to the joinery item.
This should help to tidy up the appearance at the top of the Detailed Cutting list.

Fixed Defects

  • BOM had an issue when costs were updated. (#5895)

When material cost were updated BOM did not show the change in cost.
This has now been fixed.


  • Cill Timber not Displaying when Selecting a 'C' or 'D' Timber (#6055)

If an item of joinery was set to use a different cill timber (timber 'B')
and a component in that item was using a 'C' or 'D' timber then the
description did not appear correctly on the Estimate Quotation printout.
This defect has now been fixed.


  • BOM was not applying stock handling values for glass and fittings. (#6103)

In both the glass and fittings cost file you are allowed to apply a stock
handling percentage value, if used this was not working in BOM.
We have corrected this defect


  • A correction has been made as to how the finishing effects a Flush door. (#6527)

When a door parameter is set to either a Flush Fire Door or a Cored Flush Door
we have stopped the Finishing parameters having any effect on those two options.


  • Templates saved in BOM did not always hold the minutes. (#6555)

When an item was saved as a template in BOM the minutes allocated to the
item would change when the template was used at a later date.
This has now been fixed.


  • When using a Margin rather than a Mark up, the charge out rate displayed incorrectly. (#6563)

If the 'Margin' option rather than the 'Mark up' option was selected at File / Properties / fixed values,
the charge out rate displayed incorrectly, this did not affect the actual charge out rate just how it was displayed.
This defect has now been fixed.