JMS Release Notes

Release version: Return to Version Index

Release Date: 9 Jan 2014

For CE release notes and other features in 2-3-0-0 click here


  • Customer email address option to show on estimate,invoices and Own print item. (#3862)

You now have the ability to show your customers Email address on an Estimate Quotation, Invoice and the Own Print Item reports.

Should you wish to make use of this enhancement please see the following video.


    • Bsi requirements on how glass is to be accredited within JMS. (#3876)

In this latest release of JMS, we are having to lock down the method of entering the U-Value's of the glass, spacer bars and door blanks.

This is only of interest to companies that manufacture and supply joinery items that require a U-Value, and therefore need to produce a CE Label.

Before Updating to version

  1. Open up your 'Glass Cost' files, one at a time and follow the steps below.
  1. Check that you have entered the correct U-Values against the glass, spacer bars and door blanks.
  1. Confirm that the u-values and the psi values correspond to the values held on the FPC website.
  1. If you are unable to match the values held on the FPC website, please let us know of the values YOU need adding to the FPC site.
  1. Close all 'Glass Cost' files.

After Update:

  1. Click on the CE button within JMS to open up the FCP site. This should be enough to 'kick off' the 'Glass Cost' files to accept the new changes.
  1. Open yor 'Glass Cost' files one at a time.
  1. On line b1, please select Yes. If left set at 'No', you will not be able to produce 'CE Labels' for any of your items. THIS IS A REQUIREMENT OF Bsi.

U-Values, for glass, spacer bars and door blanks, will have a 'Bsi Approved' document assigned next to it, so long as the FPC site has an equivalent value. You need only click on the 'Info' button to confirm that the glazing, spacer bars or door blanks you are supplying are in the FPC list. The wording may be different from your glass description, and as time goes on we will endeavour to add new descriptions for glazed units but in doing so we do not want to hold duplicates (if possible) of the same glazing types.

If your line items are not in the FPC list, then you need to follow the instructions below on how to get the items you supply into the list held on the FPC site.

Any values that remain in your 'Glass Cost' file that have an '*' in front of them, is warning you that there is no equivalent value being held on the FPC website, in which case you will be unable to print off CE labels for joinery items that are using these line items in the 'Glass Cost' files.

How to get your items into the list on the FPC site. Please go along to the FPC site. you are able to get there by clicking on the 'CE Marking' button from within JMS. Once there, go to Verified Glass,sheet & spacer bars area, where there will be help telling you what is needed to expedite your requirements.

Please see video for further help.

Video 1 - Pre-update

Video 2 - Post-update

Fixed Defects

  • Framed Ledged and Braced doors do not calculate a U-Value whether in a frame or not. (#3776)

This problem has now been fixed.


  • DOP Red Error message showing when it should be green (#3792)

When inserting Glass, doors, screen casements or a combination of all three, the U-value will be calculated based on the inserted items.

The DOP Message button also now shows as green when a DOP document has been found for the U-Value of the items.


  • Saving an altered template with the same name was creating a copy. (#3793)

It should create a new template, but in creating a copy, messed up the ability to delete one of them.

This problem has now been fixed.


  • Calculate u value for Solid wood panels. Hole in door. (#3830)

We have been getting a problem with FL&B doors not being able to calculate the U-Value of the door when in a frame. This has been producing an error [Hole in Door].

This problem has now been fixed.