JMS Release Notes

Release version: Return to Version Index

Release Date: 26 Mar 2009


  • Ability to now form and print Terms and Conditions on a separate page. (#1826)

  • Go to Print manager and under the printout type drop down choose others you will then have access to the Terms and conditions template that you can now influence.

    Fixed Defects

  • Adding a template folder causes problems (#1828)

  • In template manager adding a folder cause other template to loses there propierties. This has now been fixed.

    Release Notes 2-1-4-1


  • Centre panel mouldings to Doors,Screens and Screen casements (#297)

  • Centre panel mouldings can now be applied. New and enhanced parameters and enhanced popup menus allow this.

    Please be aware that q89 & q90 if set to None in the parameter can still be applied by right click in the actual panel to the door etc.

    The following parameter entries apply

    • q89 Panel Centre Moulding Outside
    • q90 Panel Centre Moulding Inside

    • v131 Outside Panel Centre Moulding Length
    • v132 Inside Panel Centre Moulding Length

    • i200 Outside Centre Panel Moulding
    • i201 Inside Centre Panel Moulding
  • Bolection moulding to doors (#298)

  • Bolection mouldings can now be applied. New and enhanced parameters and enhanced popup menus allow this.

    Please be aware that q32 if set to None in the parameter can still be applied by right click in the actual panel to the door etc.

    The following parameter entries apply.

    • "q 32" - Bolection Mouldings

    • "i194" - Outside Bolection moulding[[BR
    • "i195" - Inside Bolection moulding

    • "r54" - Outside Bolection moulding rebate
    • "r55" - Inside Bolection moulding rebate
  • Split components (#1357)

  • Split components when used were not showing on the "Concise wood summary" and the "Wood summary" This has been corrected.

  • To apply different job number when "Saving As" or just "Saving" a job (#1645)

  • This option allows the user to apply another job number when saving a job for the first time or when copying a job using the save as option.You will notice another text box headed job number at the bottom of the save job dialogue box.

  • The Estimate image size should be boosted for BOM items. (#1673)

  • It is now possible to change the image size of a JMS-BOM item within an estimate. This is particuarly usefull for items such as stairs, which are imported from version 3. To change the size printed on the etimate - double click on the item, it is clear to see that an estimate size image box is shown. Providing two choices 25mm x 25mm or 50mm x 50mm.

  • Double left click on component to see other hidden components. (#1706)

  • Placing your cursor on say a sliding sash box outer lining will at the bottom of the screen show hidden components, these components can be accessed by double left clicking and you will see a new select component box from which you can choose.

  • Panel Beads to Doors,Screens and Screen casements (#1709)

  • Panel Beads can now be applied. New and enhanced parameters and enhanced popup menus allow this.

    Please be aware that q87 & q88 if set to None in the parameter can still be applied by right click in the actual panel to the door etc.

    The following parameter entries apply

    • q87 Panel Bead (First)
    • q88 Panel Bead (Second)

    • v127 Outside Panel Bead (First) Offset
    • v128 Inside Panel Bead (First) Offset
    • v129 Outside Panel Bead (Second) Offset
    • v130 Inside Panel Bead (Second) Offset
    • i196 Outside Panel Bead (First)
    • i197 Inside Panel Bead (First)
    • i198 Outside Panel Bead (Second)
    • i199 Inside Panel Bead (Second)
  • Glass and sheet material perameters have been increased in size (#1755)

  • The glass and sheet materials perameters can now be configured with up to 20 items instead of the original eleven.

    Fixed Defects

  • Glass dimensions were calculated and shown to 100th of a mm (#1134)

  • This was totally Unnecessary and now rounds up to the nearest mm.

  • The size of text in a quote is different between extras to anything in a window or door line entry. (#1524)

  • When adding an extra, you are now able to sellect the font size that will be printed onto the estimate. The two font sizes available are: Small 8pt or Large 10pt (Bold).

  • Incorrect quantity/components of hardware being used on a double screen casement (#1619)

  • This problem has now been addressed with the inclusion of [f9] in the 'Screen Casement' parameter. This new parameter will allow you to select a predifined fittings file that is specific to your double casemnt type.

  • Sliding sash transom spacings better defined in the parameter (#1623)

  • Line v8 & v25 in a sliding sash parameter has added text to help explain use. Line v8 dimension applies to top spacing if one or two transoms are in use. Line v25 dimension only applies if two transoms are in use.

  • Estimates/Invoices will not print (#1662)

  • In version 2-1-3-8 If you have no top text or bottom text JMS will not be able to print an estimate or an invoice. This has now been fixed.

  • The cutting list summary CNC option is only available to those that have purchased the windor option/package. (#1669)
  • Hardwood machine time percentage loading not being applied to a door in screens (#1670)

  • Hardwood percentage loading value was not working when a hardwood door was placed in a screen. It worked in all other areas. It now works as before.

  • Frame joints for mullions on solid or box sash window are not being calculated in ver (#1682)

  • This has now been corrected.

  • Double click on a brace in a FL&B door now gives you access to its quick menu. (#1712)

  • This access was not available before it has now been corrected

  • Print reports settings in were not holding when restarting JMS. (#1716)

  • This issue has now been fixed, all settings in should hold as required.

    Outstanding Defects

  • Popup does not work in grid cells when tooltip present and line length exceeds width (#192)

  • A tool tip is presented when the cursor moves into a grid cell where there are more characters than can be displayed. In these cases the popup menu on right mouse button click no longer works. E.g. in select parameter dialog, if the parameter set name column is narrower than the parameter set name, then when you move the mouse into the cell a tooltip appears displaying the full name. However, a right mouse click does not produce a popup menu. In order to copy or do any other popup menu operation either the column must be increased in width until all characters displayed or the menu bar at the top of the dialog must be used.

  • Help buttons are ignored on some dialogs. (#276)

  • The Help button on all properties and job details pages does not work correctly. The Help option on the main menu is unaffected. Also see ticket No. '#485'

  • Cancelling a Dialog Leaves Old Parameter File Behind (#306)

  • Changes to local parameter contine to exist even if you cancel changes within the window/door/screen dialog. This affects windows, doors and screens.

  • The 'Colours' column in the job summary does not get updated properly. (#316)

  • The last column on the main job summary which lists all the different colours for items is not being updated correctly as items change. This causes duplicate colours to show although when the items are opened and printed the correct colours are shown.

  • Online help not working over a network (#485)

  • Online help is not working correctly over a network environment, in a client / server topology.

    To overcome this short term situation, you could copy the help file jms.chm from the server to your local computer and run it from there.

    On a new installation, the installer/trainer will adjust your computer settings to enable the computer to view the jms.chm file over the local network. This problem hase been caused by Microsoft.

  • Allow all windows parameter sets to be deleted if customer not using Windows module (#592)
  • User named Admin is able to log in on two computers at the same time (#787)
  • Top and Bottom Estimate Text Cannot Exceed 1 A4 Page (#860)

  • Estimate top and bottom text cannot individually exceed 1 side of A4

  • Wrong picture displayed for first template in template folder with no picture data (#875)
  • Job is not recomputed if parameter change made via QuickMenu (#903)

  • In version we have included a 'Recompute Job' button as a temporary fix to resolve this issue. In a later release this button may be removed to allow for a more intuitive approach to recalculating a cost of a job after a change has been made.

    This new 'Recompute Job' button can be found on the 'Job Details' dialog box.

    See also ticket #1030

  • Casement Window. Not holding frame sash rebate information in quickmenu (#1330)

  • From within the Quick Menu, should you drill down to the rebates (row 13, a4)and click on Rebates you will open up the Rebates dialog box.
    Entering any rebate information at this point will not be saved back to the main parameter.
    Should you wish to alter the rebates of a casement window, you would be advised to enter into the Full Menu and change the required rebates starting at row 92.

  • Minutes per door is not doubled when a pair of doors are selected. (#40)

  • In the door parameter file under Labour Time Rates, The minutes per item 'm16' time is not being doubled when you select double doors in 'q48'.

  • Changing from grooves to rebates in a door does not redraw the shoulders in the correct place. (#194)

  • When you call up a template door, '2x2G' for example, and and change in the 'parameter file' line 'q54' to 'Panel Grooves' . Now right click below the mid rail and select 'Rebates, Grooves, Stop beads' then select 'Rebates' the shoulder lines for the mid rail do not adjust to reflect the new option. The mid rail may be the wrong length depending on how you manufacture the door.

  • Mortices in rebates option in screen frames not having any visible effect (#288)

  • Mortices in rebates option 'q30' in screens should toggle the annotation for component view width from view width to between rebates width in the same manner as for casement windows.

  • The annotation on a door with a lock rail is wrong. (#352)

  • The annotation currently does not reflect the differences between the above and below lock rail grooves/rebate setting.

  • Comb joint reduction not being taken into account on the vertical setting out in casement windows. (#406)

  • Comb joint reduction 'v20' is not implemented on the vertical setting out. If the top tenon was 42mm prior to the comb joint reduction, it is still 42mm after the reduction. This will give you the wrong setting out marks.

  • Threshold length incorrect in a Screen (#427)

  • The length of the 'threshold' used in a screen is incorrect. The length given is the width of the frame less the thickness of both jambs. The frame rebates are not being taken into account.

  • Screens: Shoulder lengths incorrect: Version (#553)
  • Screen With Opening In Door Retains Opening In Settings When Door Removed (#666)