JMS Release Notes

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 11 Jul 2024
  • various bug fixes

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 24 Apr 2024
  • Bug fix

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 10 Apr 2024
  • We now have the ability to apply Lines and Raised and Fielded definition to Sheet material.
  • Additional **Diagram Code** options in the Glass Cost File.
  • We now Show an M for Master and an S for Slave on a pair of doors and Screen Casements.
  • Extra configuration for Panel Centre Mouldings.
  • When producing Bi Fold doors and Frames the Outer Head stop can now be attached to the face of the Head.
  • Additional drop down name types when in Doors, Screens and Screen Casements.
  • An enhancement has been made to the Thermal Transmittance (U-Value) document.
  • There is a new Search, Filter, Find facility throughout all Parameter lists and Cost file lists similar to when using the Open option to find a job.
  • Your various timbers can now apply an agreed U Value.
  • We have a new Thermal Transmittance Document.
  • An extra wood cost file column

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 1 Aug 2023
  • various bug fixes

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 17 Jul 2023
  • U Values in Casement Windows and Sliding Sash are now producing an additional U Value.
  • U Values have now been removed from Sliding Sash when using Sashes only.

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 27 Jun 2023
  • Bug fix

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 20 Jun 2023
  • various bug fixes

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 22 Apr 2023
  • various bug fixes

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 13 Apr 2023
  • Production labels!
  • Stairs
  • An alteration to Finishing when applied to Flush Fire Door Blanks.
  • Slight change to the Timber Type buttons A,B,C and D
  • A slight change in descriptions when being asked to Hold price for an old job
  • An enhancement for applying seals to a Screen frame only.
  • Each Wood Cost File now has a change to the Yes & No options offered in the Auto Rate Column.
  • Cloud enhancement to upload new customers only to the Cloud.
  • We now have access to Joinerysoft News whilst in a Job.
  • A new steel and lead weight printout is available.
  • The Quick menu has been increased for the Mullion and Transom in Casement Windows.
  • A minus number e.g. -5 can now be entered into "Panel Inter Board Gap".
  • Opening Jobs and Parameters should now be a lot quicker.
  • It is now a lot easier to set up Sheet material as a Wood cost file.

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 23 Jun 2022
  • various bug fixes

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 6 Jun 2022
  • There is now a new option which can be used with Auto Tenon Length in Doors and Screen Casements.
  • various bug fixes

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 14 Mar 2022
  • Addition to drop down options in Sliding sash.
  • A new facility in both Network and Single Use databases.
  • Explaining why and how to Recompute Job and Keep Price.

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 26 Jan 2022
  • various bug fixes

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 22 Dec 2021
  • various bug fixes

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 25 Nov 2021
  • various bug fixes

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 1 Sep 2021
  • There is a new Search, Filter, Find facility when using the Open option to find a job
  • A third address line has been added to a customers information template.
  • Ability to down load contacts from the Cloud into Ver 2

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 13 Jul 2021
  • various bug fixes

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 28 Jun 2021
  • You now have the facility to apply a greater design element to glazing bars for Doors, Screens and Screen casements.
  • The Cover sheet will only show the items of Joinery that you have chosen to print.
  • Detailed Cutting List and Cutting List Diagrams now picks up the chosen finishing colour.
  • We are now showing a Stile Shoulder Length
  • Enhancements to the control of Component Output
  • A request for Line d1 and d2 from the Joinery parameter to go on the printouts Diagrams Various Styles

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 29 Jul 2020
  • A screen frame on its own can now apply a draught seal.
  • We now have the ability to edit the D3 Finishing descriptive text on various printouts at Job Level and Local level.
  • We now have the ability to apply composite panels to Screens and Screen casements.
  • BOM sheet material descriptions will now appear on the Sheet Summary.
  • Slight alteration to Bill Of Materials (BOM).
  • We have the ability to import half or full page images to a quotation using BOM.
  • Detailed Cutting list & Diagrams Various Styles can now show which glass has been allocated to which aperture.
  • We have the ability to apply vertical sliding sash arrows to a screen casement and a door to mimic a sliding sash window.
  • A Maximum Sq Metre area can now be applied to Glass.
  • Width of frames can now be over 10m wide.

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 8 Jul 2019
  • various bug fixes

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 28 May 2019
  • various bug fixes

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 9 May 2019
  • various bug fixes

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 25 Apr 2019
  • various bug fixes

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 11 Apr 2019
  • various bug fixes

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 9 Apr 2019
  • various bug fixes

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 2 Apr 2019
  • We now have the ability to print the "Height" before the "Width" for glass dimensions on the Glass Summary and the Detailed glass list.
  • Important changes to the Sliding sash module dimensions that are shown on the computer.
  • We can now show separate finishing costs for a job.
  • FL&B Doors have two new options for configuring the boarding.
  • We now have the ability to hide unwanted stubborn cost files and parameters that have been difficult to remove.

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 2 Jul 2018
  • A new option in '''Print Manager''' is available to control '''Add Extras''' when set to '''Optional Extra'''
  • Your customers Telephone Number can now be seen on the Quotation, Invoice and Order Confirmation printouts.
  • Your list of customers together with their details can now be exported from JMS
  • Left margin or page width can now be influenced on the Quotation, Delivery Note, Invoice and Own Print Item.
  • There has been an update to Joinerysoft's Terms & Conditions.
  • Glass has been enhanced to allow a foreign language to appear on the "Glass Summary" for those that order glass from another country

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 12 Dec 2017
  • various bug fixes

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 6 Dec 2017
  • Wood, Glass and Sheet material can be seen as coloured images on the Quotation, Invoice, Delivery Notes and Order Confirmation printouts

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 17 Nov 2017
  • Additional Quotation heading options for the Door module.
  • Ability to enter your own text such as the deposit Due or Paid on an Invoice.
  • We have 2 options for applying decoration to Flush or Cored Doors.
  • We now have the ability to price timber by its length.
  • We now have a new Sheet Material Summary Printout.
  • We now have the ability to have coloured images on the Quotation,Invoice, Delivery Notes and Order Confirmation printouts.

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 13 Jun 2017
  • We now have the ability to apply composite panels to doors.
  • An alteration as to how sliding sash dimensions are shown on various cutting lists
  • Additional ironmongery descriptive text now goes to the Cutting list diagrams printout.
  • Additional Quotation heading options for Sliding sash module.
  • Sheet material has been removed from the Glass Summary printout.
  • Existing quotation headings can now been seen if only the screen module was purchased.

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 29 Sep 2016
  • There is now a link to SAGE.
  • It has been decided to remove '''Item Colours''' from JMS.
  • Line break was needed for fittings descriptive text.
  • Ability to select and delete all jobs if required.
  • Slight change to the Detailed Cutting list.

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 6 Nov 2015
  • Various Important fixes

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 3 Nov 2015
  • Additional sash gaps in casement windows.
  • We now have the ability to type in written "Payment terms" when using the "Invoice" option at "Job Details".
  • There is now an "Invoice Number" Column when looking to "Open" a job.
  • Force postcode to be upper case.

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 10 Jun 2015
  • Various Important fixes

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 28 May 2015
  • Various Important fixes

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 28 Apr 2015
  • Various Important fixes

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 8 Apr 2015
  • When using curved subheads on any frame or producing a sliding sash with a semi-circular top shape we can now set the height dimension to the springing line or the overall frame height.
  • Wood weights in an imperial database cost file.
  • Glass cost file can now show weight as lbs/ft2 or as kg/ft2.
  • The item weight that appears on the Estimate/Quotation, Delivery Note and Invoice printouts can now be displayed in either lbs or kg.
  • We now have the ability to view and edit customers details without having to open a new job.
  • JMS can now be set to use 'Board Foot' in a metric database as well as 'cubic metres'.
  • We can now display customers alphabetically in job details.
  • Extra rail and stile options in doors and screen casements.
  • BSI Logo on U Value Confirmation Certificate.
  • New version of JMS installed dialogue box.
  • Sliding sash windows inner and outer lining widths.
  • We now have the ability to insert a lock/mid rail in a cored flush door.
  • Additional Quotation heading options for Screens, Doors & Screen Casements.
  • Two different taxes can now be applied to Joinerysoft.

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 19 Dec 2014
  • Added a code signing certificate to JMS

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 3 Nov 2014
  • When no safety device is used the CE label will now display 'none fitted'.

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 2 Sep 2014
  • Additional quotation heading options for sliding sash, doors & screen casements.
  • Construct flush/fire doors with multiple face layers and core timbers. (Videos)
  • Option to add minutes per vision panel in Doors and Screens. 
  • Easier access to Quick menu in Doors, Screens and Screen Casements. (Video)
  • Access Multiple Glass & Sheet cost files from within the Glass & Sheet Parameter. (Video)
  • Add a separate sales description for glass/sheet materials that can appear on the estimate/quotation. (Video)
  • Set a maximum width & height for sheet materials and glass. (Video)
  • Option to select multiple Job Defined Joinery Parameter Files. (Video)
  • Pivot Door Hanging notation now exists.
  • Own Print Item can now show a deposit and a deposit balance. (Video)
  • Job total value can now be seen when in the open job screen. (Video)
  • Choice of glass aperture shapes when making Vision holes. (Video)
  • We now have the ability to copy and paste all drop down option boxes. (Video)
  • Select separate parameters for Glass, Sheet & Veneers. (Video)
  • Make an addition to or a reduction from the size of sheet materials and veneers. (Video)

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 7 Apr 2014
  • Various Important fixes

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 9 Jan 2014
  • Customer email address option to show on estimate,invoices and Own print item.
  • Bsi requirements on how glass is to be accredited within JMS.

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 22 Jul 2013
  • An option now exists as to how the U Values are shown on a quotation.
  • Ordering templates and template folders
  • Cover sheet for CE Marking
  • Allow standard paragraphs for deposit and discount
  • Panel direction option to be on the quick menu

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 1 Jul 2013
  • Added new Save and Rename

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 16 May 2013
  • CE Marking. (Video's)
  • Enhancement to BOM,when using Fittings in the Standard option.
  • Wood cost files now have the ability to apply Board Foot (BDFT) Prices.
  • We now have the option to show a Deposit and Balance on the Estimate/Quotation.
  • Ability to now quickly move line items up or down in a Quotation on the summary page.
  • The invoice now has to option to show the balance to pay following the use of a deposit.
  • U values now show to 4 decimal places.
  • Job Summary printout now shows Finishing.
  • Limit lifted on width of a screen frame.
  • Additional Quotation heading option.
  • Profit 1 and Profit 2 mark-up or margin percentage values can now be in excess of 100%.
  • Glass & Sheet parameters now have the ability to apply Minutes per Meter Square.
  • A new print option is available in the Screen module.
  • Delivery address has been moved to the right hand side of various printouts.
  • Maintenance will update automatically now.
  • Cost break down printout improved for Finishings.
  • We now have the ability to remove Status lines in an enquiry.
  • The ability to quickly apply standard paragraphs to a quotation is now available.

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 15 Feb 2012
  • We now have the option to apply a Deposit to the Estimate/Quotation. (Video)
  • The Job Number can now appear on the Delivery note. (Video)

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 24 Jan 2012
  • Glass Energy Surcharge values can be applied to the Glass cost file. (Video)
  • The Joinery item description will now appear on Diagrams Various Styles. (Video)
  • The Job Number can now been seen at the top of the summary page (Video)
  • We now have the ability to apply Finishing’s/Decoration to Joinerysoft (Video)
  • Additional line entries can be applied to a quotation using Add Extras (Video)
  • The Job Title can now appear alongside the word Quotation on the Quotation or Estimate (Video)
  • We now have the ability to fix a cost to an item when using the Door/Frame, the Screen and the Screen casement module.
  • Additional Quotation heading options
  • Ability to apply or remove item or Job weight to a Quotation, Delivery Note and Own Print Item (Video)

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 29 Sep 2011
  • Ability to display the weight of a joinery item & the total items in an enquiry (Video)
  • Ability to choose number of items to show on U Value certificate
  • New option for applying Draught Seals and Glazing tapes etc (Video)
  • Fittings enhancement No 1: Ability to apply Minutes to fit per item in the Fittings cost file (Video)
  • Fittings enhancement No 2: Ability to access a Fittings cost file directly from within a Fittings Individual Parameter. (Video)
  • Fittings enhancement No 3: Ability to add (Cherry pick) fittings at Item level.

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 3 May 2011
  • Glass description has been increased to 260 characters
  • A new U Value certificate is now available
  • Ability to apply description alongside the discount on the Quote and Own Print Item
  • There are now additional options to choose for use as Main Title for the Quotation

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 31 Jan 2011
  • We can now apply multiple head stops for use in Bi-Fold doors and Frames with Screen Frames set to rebates
  • There are now additional options to choose for use as a'''Main Title''' for the ''Quotation"
  • Ability now exists to set U Values to print via a default setting

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 2 Nov 2010
  • Ability to obtain U-values is now an option within JMS
  • We now have the ability to apply 50 No glass or sheet options to the Glass/Sheet Parameters
  • Additional Tilt & Turn notations are now available
  • We can now apply multiple head stops for use in Bi-Fold doors and Frames
  • There are now additional options to choose for use as Main Title for the Quotation
  • We can now apply Angled/Cant cills and have Jambs running past the head in the Door/Frame and Screen Module
  • Architraves in Doors & Screens can now be butt jointed and terminate on top of the cill
  • Flush Doors now has Surface Coating
  • Flush /Fire Doors now has individual Edgings
  • Flush /Fire Doors Add dimension on to Door blank
  • Extra Seals/ Intumescent strips for Opening Doors, Door Frames and Screens
  • Price glass by unit

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 2 Jul 2010
  • We now have the ability to Bottom hang Screen casements
  • The ability not to show Width and Height dims on various printouts now exists
  • More Print Manager options are available to further configure the Estimate/Quotation

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 17 Jun 2010
  • There are now additional options to choose for use as a'''Main Title''' for the ''Quotation"
  • Hanging Notations for Pairs of Doors and Pairs of Screen Casements now exists
  • Sliding door indicators now exist in the doors Module

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 21 Dec 2009
  • The ability now exists to choose a '''Main Title''' for the '''Quotation

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 25 Nov 2009
  • Ability to delete multiple jobs in one
  • A simple Cutting list summary is now available

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 27 Mar 2009
  • Fittings collections, an improved facility for the applying of fittings

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 26 Mar 2009
  • Ability to now form and print Terms and Conditions on a separate page.

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 17 Mar 2009

Release version: View Release Details

Release Date: 9 Mar 2009
  • Applying Centre panel mouldings to Doors, Screens and Screen casements
  • Applying Bolection moulding to doors
  • To apply different job number when "Saving As" or just "Saving" a job
  • Panel Beads to Doors, Screens and Screen casements